Life Insurance Quote

About Us

This site is for educational purposes. We are here to answer your personal life insurance questions. We also welcome inquiries from consumer advocates and journalists in the life insurance industry.

That said, if you specifically request help with finding life insurance, our experts will respond accordingly.

Debby Kobrin

Debby is the guiding force behind our noncommercial mission. Her personal goal is to help people learn how to become financially secure in today's turbulent world.

Life insurance can be a key component of financial independence, and here she draws upon her educational background in actuarial science and finance (NYU Stern School of Business). As our webmaster and editor, she compiles the educational material and presents it to you.

[Note: Debby is NOT licensed to sell life insurance. All published material is the sole responsibility of our licensed Experts only.]

Steven H. Kobrin, LUTCF

Steve and Debby have have been married for almost 30 years, and they have spent a lifetime building communal educational programs, together.

As Debby's "other half," Steve is particularly well-positioned to thoughtfully guide consumers through the life insurance industry, due to his many years of personal involvement in nonprofit advocacy as well as private entrepreneurialism.

For example, while at Ramapo College, Steve worked on the "ELF project" (Ecological Living Facility) - he helped organize two Earth Days - and he enjoyed a student internship with Talking Wood, an environmental magazine that made a substantive impact on the local ecosystem.

After graduating with a degree in Environmental Studies, Steve worked for the Youth Environmental Society, a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to helping students develop leadership skills through environmental action.

Later, Steve used his own versatile leadership skills to enter the business world. As Operations Manager for a computer supplies distribution company, he successfully serviced the Fortune 100 community for seven years. From there, he began building his own financial services company, as a young entrepreneur in the life insurance industry.

Today, Steve is licensed to sell life insurance across the country (49 States, plus the District of Columbia). His expertise includes helping people with a history of serious illness to find affordable life insurance coverage. Steve accomplishes this by guiding his clients through the underwriting process and, in the process, developing in his clients a strong sense of self-reliance and independence.

Over the years, Steve has continued his personal involvement in local community projects. From serving in his local synagogue, to hosting worship services and religious study groups in his home. From volunteering on the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), to graduating from the Fair Lawn Citizen Police Academy and founding his neighborhood Block Watch.

Sharing knowledge and building a strong community is as important to Steve as building a successful business.

Why run a noncommercial site?

As you can see, Steve and Debby are not content with merely running a successful for-profit business venture. Communal service is equally important.

One way to serve is to share personal talents and knowledge. Therefore, they have built this site. It is their hope that you will benefit by making informed decisions in the life insurance marketplace.

Please make yourself at home. Stay as long as you like. Browse our educational articles and case studies. A warm welcome to you!